Saturday, October 11, 2014

RCC sired selling for Apex



We are having our APEX Cattle Elite Prospect Online Sale on October 14th.  Have a super set of BIM and MAB steers highlighting the sale, hosted by First Choice Online Sales.


Please use these captions for each picture attached.

Lot 3 - BIM

Lot 6 - MAB

Lot 8 - BIM

Lot 13 - BIM

Lot 24 - MAB


Most appreciate you putting these up on your Blog Spot.


On another note, we have a great flush of fall borns by your Crowd Favorite 1 sire from our popular Irish Maid HM902P donor who also produced the 2014 Nebraska State Fair Res. Gr. Champion steer.  Calves have lots of color and they are really good!




Dan and Joel Leo

APEX Cattle