> Wade
> We have never met but have swapped e-mails a couple of times in the past year. I have been following you and your successes the past 5 years and used only Rodgers bulls in our Fall breeding program. We are located in central Alabama and only run about 20 cows. I have a son that is in school in Tn. and will have the month of May off. He is getting increasingly more involved in our small operation and the both of us would like to schedule a visit to your farm to meet you and talk cattle. Please let me know if this is possible and the best time to try to make a trip. By the way we bred all of our non-carrier cows to BIM and the known and suspected carriers to One and Only. We also developed a set of Simangus x Maine heifers and were able to get our hands on some Final Answer sexed semen to breed them. We are excited about the direction we are headed and have never been more confident in our breeding decisions. Thanks for breeding and devoping such great bulls and being a "Fresh Air" alternative.
> Randy Reeves
> Reeves Family Show Cattle