Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Kurt Sanburg: One & Only

 This is the steer and heifer calf I was telling you about the other night, not the best pictures between my 3 year old licking the camera lens and calves not being cooperative, they didn't come out like I would like for them to have.  But I think they give you an idea of what the calves look like.  I would appreciate any feedback you might have, this is the first time I have ever crossed my Hereford cows with anything.  The One & Only calves that I had averaged right at 80 pound birth rates and calves unassisted.  I had looked at One & Only at NWSS and had thought about using him, then I visited with Yman Poe at bovine elite and he thought it would be a really good mating and I believe it was.

Thanks Kurt Sanburg