Saturday, August 22, 2020

Here I Am Sires Grand Champion Steer At Iowa State Fair & Rest of Top 5 All RCC Sired!!

Grand Champion & Division II Champion Crossbred Steer - Iowa State Fair

Sired By: Here I Am

Dam: RCC Donor 88

Sold/Raised By: Rodgers Cattle Company

Congratulations to Dalton Shanks!

Reserve Grand Champion & Division II Reserve Crossbred Steer - Iowa State Fair

Sired By: Fu Man Chu

Raised By: Goff

Sold By: Rodgers Cattle Company

Congratulations to Clair Lauterbach! 

3rd Overall & Champion Division I Steer - Iowa State Fair

Sired By: Here I Am

Bred By: Ethan Hanold

Sold By: Paulsen, Hanold, Meisner, Schnegoetke, Curoe

Congratulations to Jack Ploog!

Fourth Overall & Champion Maine-Anjou Steer - Iowa State Fair

Sired By: Here I Am

Sold By: Goretska

Congratulations to Halle Hindman! 

Fifth Overall Steer & Reserve Champion Division I - Iowa State Fair

Sired By: In God We Trust

Sold By: Griner, Otto

Congratulations to Macy Jacobson!