Tuesday, September 16, 2014

VCCP Best of the Valley - Sept 27 - Harrisonburg VA



Can you post the following our your blog? Thanks

We have an excellent set of steer and heifer prospects that will be for sale at Rockingham Fairgrounds on Saturday, September 27th at 6:00.  If you are unable to make the sale, you can bid online at Cowbuyer.com.  This year we will be offering two $500 (off of a calf) vouchers before the start of the sale - You are eligible to win if you are a registered buyer.  Also - Any calf that is purchased in this sale can show in the VCCP classes for Free at the 2015 VCCP Winter Classic - Payouts in these divisions will be $1000 and $750 for Grand and Reserve Champion Steers and $750 and $500 for Grand and Reserve Champion Heifers. 

Attached are pictures of a Walks Alone heifer from NB Livestock and a MAB Steer from Cedar Springs Farm.

Check out our website - www.virginiaclubcalfproducers.com for more information


Neal Buchanan