Mr. Rodgers,
This is Mick Sitzmann from Iowa State University. I am one of the Co-Chairs of the Cyclone Classic for this upcoming year. I was wondering if you could possibly help spread the word about the show this year. We are having it in Ames at the brand new Jeff and Deb Hansen Agriculture Learning Center for the first year. We just want to make sure everyone knows we are no longer in Fort Dodge. I know there are many people who look at your blog and other social media everyday, so we were hoping you could help us spread the word? Thank you so much for your time, and please let me know what you decide when you have the chance. Thank you very much.
Mick Sitzmann
Michael T. SitzmannIowa State University
Animal Science
Block and Bridle Cyclone Classic Co-Chair
Cell: 712-541-8492