Thursday, May 9, 2013

Brock Wallace - Better Late than Never

Brock Wallace Cattle Co
Selling a great BIM shorthorn and a One & Only
All selling May 10th

Lot 2 - Believe in Me x Shorthorn
This Shorthorn steer has it ALL! As Good of a Shorthorn as I have seen this year! So sound, and carries himself with Authority! A Loving enough personality for an 8 yr old, easy feeding, Big Hair, and as I said earlier, just has it All! Study the pics & video, this calf is the Real Deal. I Strongly encourage you to come see him in person!
Lot 6 - One&Only x Heat Wave
 COMPLETE!! Is the best way I can describe this calf to you, and little kid gentle to boot. Study his video and come see him in person. I wish I could find calves like this everyday, Awesome slick shearing prospect here!!!