Within the last week, calls from across the country have come in telling us the best calf that they have ever raised was just born, and it was a BIM. Believe in Me is going to be an absolute dominate sire for the next several years. Semen Demand has skyrocketed since calves started hitting the ground...BIM is the ONLY BLACK Walks Alone Alternative worth using.
"Had and BIM bull and heifer out of Miley, mother of 180, going to need more semen, these calves are outstanding."
Brian Goettemoeller 3-3-2012
"Raised a BIM out of Hairy Bair cow I purchased in the First Class Female Sale, and saw another BIM that are two of the nicer calves I've seen in a long time."
Blaine Rodgers 3-3-2012
Keep an eye on the Blog for more Quotes and BIM Reports.
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